“学萃讲坛”第832期—e-SAFE: Secure, Efficient and Forensics-Enabled Access to Wireless Implantable Medical Devices



报告人Dr.  Xiaojiang (James) Du

报告题目:e-SAFE:  Secure, Efficient and Forensics-Enabled Access to Wireless Implantable Medical  Devices





报告人简介:Dr.  Xiaojiang (James) Du is a Professor in the Department of Computer and  Information Sciences at Temple University, Philadelphia, USA. He is the director  of the Security And Networking (SAN) Lab at Temple University. Dr. Du received  his B.S. and M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Tsinghua University,  Beijing, China in 1996 and 1998, respectively. He received his M.S. and Ph.D.  degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Maryland College Park in  2002 and 2003, respectively. His research interests are security, wireless  networks, and systems. He has authored over 300 journal and conference papers in  these areas, as well as a book published by Springer. Dr. Du has been awarded  more than 6 million US dollars research grants from the US National Science  Foundation (NSF), Army Research Office, Air Force Research Lab, NASA, Qatar  Foundation, the State of Pennsylvania, and Amazon. He won the best paper award  at IEEE GLOBECOM 2014 and the best poster runner-up award at the ACM MobiHoc  2014. He serves on the editorial boards of three international journals. Dr. Du  served as the lead Chair of the Communication and Information Security Symposium  of the IEEE International Communication Conference (ICC) 2015, and a Co-Chair of  Mobile and Wireless Networks Track of IEEE Wireless Communications and  Networking Conference (WCNC) 2015. He is (was) a Technical Program Committee  (TPC) member of several premier ACM/IEEE conferences such as INFOCOM (2007 -  2019), IM, NOMS, ICC, GLOBECOM, WCNC, BroadNet, and IPCCC. Dr. Du is a Senior  Member of IEEE and a Life Member of ACM.

报告简介:To  facilitate monitoring and management, modern Implantable Medical Devices (IMDs)  are often equipped with wireless capabilities, which raise the risk of malicious  access to IMDs. Although schemes are proposed to secure the IMD access, some  issues are still open. First, pre-sharing a long-term key between a patient’s  IMD and a doctor’s programmer is vulnerable since once the doctor’s programmer  is compromised, all of her patients suffer; establishing a temporary key by  leveraging proximity gets rid of pre-shared keys, but as the approach lacks real  authentication, it can be exploited by nearby adversaries or through  man-in-the-middle attacks. Second, while prolonging the lifetime of IMDs is one  of the most important design goals, few schemes explore to lower the  communication and computation overhead all at once. Finally, how to safely  record the commands issued by doctors for the purpose of forensics, which can be  the last measure to protect the patients’ rights, is commonly omitted in the  existing literature. Motivated by these important yet open problems, we propose  an innovative scheme e-SAFE, which significantly improves security and safety,  reduces the communication overhead and enables IMD-access forensics. We present  a novel lightweight compressive sensing based encryption algorithm to encrypt  and compress the IMD data simultaneously, reducing the data transmission  overhead by over 50% while ensuring high data confidentiality and usability.  Furthermore, we provide a suite of protocols regarding device pairing,  dual-factor authentication, and accountability-enabled access. The security  analysis and performance evaluation show the validity and efficiency of the  proposed scheme.